Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Turn It OFF, Tune IN

Almost anyone watching television, particularly what passes for news these days invariably becomes either depressed or angry or both - I know I do. It is, first of all, increasingly difficult to find actual news reporting devoid of commentary. What ever happened to good, old fashioned JOURNALISM?  Just give me the facts and let ME decide how to interpret them. Or give me commentary in a totally separate venue. What ever happened to those "editorial" segments on the news when we were TOLD to expect commentary? Instead we get commentary mixed with news. 

The fact is, most television stations are wholly owned subsidiaries of major corporations. Most of those corporations are run by right-wing leaning boards and CEOs. The "liberal media" is a MYTH. It is inevitable that the spin put on the news is going to be right-leaning, at the very least. The truth you seek is NOT going to be found there, maybe ever again. It is time to move on. 

I have also found that watching television tends to "paralyze" me. I get caught up in the drama of the talking heads and forget that the action is not on TV but out in the world. I strongly suspect that the powers behind the media would LOVE for us to stay tuned to the television and forget our civic responsibilities. "Watch us, we will tell you ALL you EVER need to know."  "Stay tuned."  "Don't touch that dial."  They would love nothing more than for us to become (stay) so mesmerized by the small screen that we do not even look outside. The frightening thing is, they have succeeded! How many hours do YOU spend in front of the television set? I used to spend way too many until I realized I was frying my brain.

People,  it is time to WAKE UP! Shake off the illusions they have put in front of you. Look away and see that reality is NOT what they tell you it is. The only way to be in touch with what is REALLY happening is to go out and see for ourselves and when we do, we should become alarmed at how quickly our freedoms and rights are being stripped away by the very people who urge you to "stay tuned." TELEVISION IS NOT REALITY AND NEVER HAS BEEN.  It is too easily manipulated and created and the imaginary can be made to seem real, but it is NOT REAL.

Reality is this: The people in your life, the actions you take, the words you speak, the work you do in the world. Reality is about tuning IN to LIFE, not TV. Get off that couch and go out and volunteer. Make a difference. Stop letting television and media determine reality for you. Make your own. The world you save could be this one.

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