Monday, August 20, 2012

Todd Akin: Shut Up

Todd Akin 's comments that a woman's body can prevent pregnancy in a "legitimate rape".  This man sits on the Science Committee in the US House of Representatives. Really? I have so many responses on so many levels that I do not know where to start. 

On the most personal level, as a woman who was raped, I am shocked, offended, angry to the point that I'm shaking and afraid for my country. What the heck is a "legitimate rape?"  All rape is a CRIME and can therefore not be "legitimate".  I am sure he meant to say "real" but that is just as bad because who determines what a "real" rape is? The victim? The police? The rapist? To the woman who was assaulted, EVERY rape is as real as it can get and it stays real for the rest of her life. I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 33 years after the fact. Just using the word "rape" brings it all back in a literal flash. There is nothing more REAL than that. 

Then there is the "scientific" statement that a woman's body can prevent pregnancy in a "legitimate" rape. Oh? Exactly what in the woman's body can distinguish between real rape and fake rape? I am sorry Rep. Akin but sperm is sperm and there is nothing to distinguish between a real rapists sperm and a fake rapists sperm. There is nothing in a woman's body that will prevent implantation. You need to not be on the Science Committee because you know NOTHING about science. Of course, that is the problem on the Right - the absolute disdain for science. People like you would take us back to the stone age if we allow it. I pray the people of your state have more sense than that. 

I was terrified after being raped that I would become pregnant. The terror itself prolonged my agony because I skipped a menstrual cycle due to stress. People like you must NOT be allowed to regulate women's bodies. And people like you need to shut the heck up. 

*All content herein is the opinion of the author.

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