Friday, October 5, 2012

OFA Culture and The Disabled

Obama for America started out saying the campaign was going to be run on the following ideals: Respect, Empower, Include, Win. I would say these are excellent values to which to commit. Winning requires each of them in good measure.

I have been thinking about these ideals with respect to how people with challenges fit into the campaign and into the Democratic Party in general.

Respect: You cannot possibly know how fundamental it is for people with disabilities or special challenges to feel they are being respected as human beings. It is even more crucial than for "normal" people who take respect somewhat for granted. All too often, those of us who have developmental issues or mental illness or both find ourselves ridiculed and bullied and excluded. It is the lack of respect that hurts most, I think. People with Asperger's Syndrome, for instance, are completely cognizant of how we are being treated and received. Being on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum can be something of a curse since we are aware of our surroundings and the people around us to a greater or lesser extent. We KNOW when we are being ridiculed. We KNOW when we are being picked on. We KNOW when we are treated as less than human. We only ask for simple respect that is granted to any other human being.

Empower: This, again, is oh, so crucial for us. So often and for so long we have been told what we CANNOT do. It is time for us to insist that we CAN DO and we CAN help and CAN participate in meaningful ways. If allowed to use our special talents and abilities, we can make significant contributions to the campaigns. Empower us and see where we go and what we can do.

Include:  This the the most basic of the values. Without inclusion there can be no respect or empowerment. To be included also requires a measure of acceptance for who and what we are. We know there will be discomfort. There are people who make us uncomfortable as well. But acceptance doesn't require being fully comfortable with someone. It only requires an openness to the abilities, shortcomings and contributions of those of us with special challenges. Acceptance and inclusion is what ALL volunteers require. We are in this together and believe in President Obama. Give us the chance to help him WIN.

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