Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Response to the SOTU Address

My response to the President's State of the Union address:

I appreciate what the President had to say about raising the minimum wage to $9 per hour. That is LONG overdue. I wish he had a specific plan to help the long term unemployed who cannot find work because no one will give them a chance. I am also not convinced by his assurances that he won't cut Social Security and Medicare in ways that would harm seniors and the disabled. He has this unfortunate tendency to cave in to the GOP. I also appreciate his stance on ending the war in Afghanistan but what will he do for the returning troops in the way of mental health and jobs?

I am most disturbed by his mention of cyber security and specific, targeted attacks on American enemies. There is plenty of room in his statements that would allow him to target American citizens and call it legal. This aspect of President Obama's policies deeply disturbs me. He may or may not misuse the powers he is giving himself but some President some time surely will. It is almost inevitable.

Nevertheless, I am hopeful that his emphasis on gun control can push us in the right direction in terms of protecting our right to life and liberty while still allowing for second amendment rights. As he said, "Gabby Giffords deserves a vote." Mr Speaker, please come down off your high horse and do the job the People expect.

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