Monday, January 23, 2012

What I wish the President would say in the State of the Union but won't: The United States is in trouble: more people are in poverty than ever before, the long term unemployment rate is awful and we spend way too much fighting needless wars. I have a perfectly good jobs plan but the Tea Party members of the GOP in Congress are racist idiots and fight me on everything I propose just because I'm black. The Supreme Court of the United States made the worst decision in its history with Citizens United. Corporations are NOT people and money is NOT free speech. They have essentially sold democracy to the highest bidder. Most of those high bidders are corporate sponsors of Scalia and Thomas.

 The real hope for this country comes from you, the citizens. It is up to YOU to take back this country from the special interests which control politics, even me. The Occupy Movement expresses the deep seated frustration with the way things are. It is the beginning of a movement to create change. But that change can only occur when enough of you are angry enough to step up and take direct action. Your vote in November is the most important first step but calling out injustice as it occurs is another. Do not allow the oppressor to control the dialogue. Most of all, DO NOT REMAIN SILENT because you think it will just somehow get better one of these days. It won't  -  not without you. 

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