Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Exxon Mobil Oil Disaster Part II

From the people at Exxon Mobil, who brought us the Exxon Valdez debacle come the newest oil spill disaster, this time from a tar sands pipeline in Arkansas. The spill from the pipeline was "tens of thousands" barrels of the same toxic kind of oil which would flow through the Keystone XL pipeline if it is approved (You Tube Video : The difference would be a matter of scale, any leak from the Keystone XL pipeline almost certainly would be far worse.

According to LeeCamp2, the poster of the You Tube Video, the media is being kept away from the spill itself only being allowed the limited close up footage which shows nothing of the scale of the disaster.  What the aerial footage on You Tube shows, however, is the widespread nature of the leak. It has affected neighborhoods  oil running down streets) and environmentally sensitive wetlands, killing ducks and other wildlife as it spreads. What remains an unknown is the possible effect on drinking water in the area.

The question that comes to my mind first is, "Who allowed Exxon Mobil to build a tar sands oil pipeline through wetlands?" What kind of idiot would allow that? It may be a rhetorical question but the probable answer is: someone who is beholden to the oil industry and its lobbyists. Even so, it was the height of stupid.

Expect more of the same  to the 10th power.


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