Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Politics By Any Other Name is Still Politics

Have you ever witnessed something that bothers you so much it is still fresh in your memory months later? The past several days I have been thinking a great deal about an incident at the Michigan Democratic Convention in Detroit on February 23rd. A real race was shaping up between two good candidates for Chair of the State Party. Mark Brewer had many years experience under his belt while Lon Johnson had youth,organizing experience and the backing of the entire congressional delegation.  Going into the afternoon sessions before the general session, I was still uncertain who I would vote for. 

Rep. Sander Levin
After lunch we went into our Congressional District Caucuses. Mine happens to be the 9th District and the Congressman is Rep. Sander Levin. The election of officers went smoothly (a little TOO smoothly if you ask me - only one slate of officers was presented). There was, however a major dust up between Sandy Levin and a member of the Rules Committee. It started because the UAW presented 1300 new members. It wouldn't have been an issue except that the payment for those memberships arrived past the deadline. No one was supposed to be allowed to vote at the convention if they paid their dues after January 25th. However, these new members from the UAW were credentialed and were going to be allowed to vote. All these votes, presumably, would have gone for Lon Johnson. Mark Brewer wouldn't stand a chance against that onslaught. So, the "discussion" from the meeting of the Rules Committee spilled over into our District Caucus. It was quite heated as the usually calm, even tempered Congressman let fly a few colorful words and phrases. 

Sandy Levin argued that the state Party never made it a requirement to pay to vote. To require a paid membership was, in essence, a poll tax and he said, "we never have had and never will as long as I can help it, have a poll tax to vote." 

On the other hand, the member of the Rules Committee also had a valid point: How fair is it to allow new members to vote when their memberships weren't paid on time? Other people missed the deadline and would not be allowed to vote. Why were the UAW members being allowed to vote? The reason seemed quite clear: The UAW members would make it virtually impossible for Mark Brewer to win. The Congressional Delegation hand picked Lon Johnson and would do anything and everything in their power to get him that Chairmanship.

Brewer and Johnson
It was not a pretty sight especially for a newcomer to state politics like me. The drama finally ended at the general session later in the afternoon. Mark Brewer, seeing the handwriting on the wall, withdrew his name from nomination which left the convention with the task of declaring Lon Johnson the winner by acclimation. Some of us were left with a bad taste in our mouths, thinking that we had been railroaded and set up. Whether Lon Johnson was the right choice or not was actually immaterial. It was the way he won which was the point. 

In my estimation, anyone who is willing to go as far as Lon Johnson and his supporters did has a rather large issue with their character. To go to any length to win, even at the expense of others, rather reminds me of Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. He and his minions performed every dirty political trick in the book as well as many crimes. All in the name of winning. Winning at any cost is a good way to lose integrity. It means we are no better than the other Party. If you win at the expense of others you are actually the biggest loser. 

I was shocked by what I had witnessed that day. The man who I had looked up to for 38 years, my Congressman, displayed that 'win at any cost' attitude. He was rather blunt about his power play and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. If he represented what the State Democratic Party is about, I am not sure whether I want to remain a member. 

If that wasn't enough, another incident occurred which made me even more uncomfortable. I read several Facebook posts that indicated that the 13th District was also in some turmoil. Apparently, Lon Johnson was not satisfied with the results of their election of officers. I have no idea why he sees it this way but duly elected representatives were stripped of the position and, for some, even of their membership rights. It looks like Mr. Johnson is trying to hand pick all officers. Overturning legitimate elections is no way to run the state Party. It is NOT democracy in action. I am ashamed to call myself a Democrat after this series of raw power plays that make voting irrelevant. It actually sounds like the OTHER Party which is attempting to rig the state and national voting process so that millions are disenfranchised and makes it almost impossible for Democrats to win.
Then there are Michigan's Emergency Managers, who go into financially desperate cities and removes the elected officials and take control of the community. These citizens don't get a vote either. 

What is happening in the Michigan Democratic Party is not that different in spirit. I think the Party needs to look at itself, re-evaluate its behavior and make a u-turn before it is too late. There is still time but the clock is ticking.

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