Monday, April 1, 2013

The New Civil Rights Movement(s)

Below are maps one showing support levels for marriage equality as quantified by Facebook. The bottom map shows where abortions is now banned at 20 weeks or earlier. If you compare the two maps you might notice the overlap. Many of the same areas that restrict abortion are the least likely to support marriage equality. That is not too surprising but I didn't expect to see it in such a graphic way. Apparently and to a large extent the same places that are homophobic are also misogynistic. Generalities are usually dangerous but in this case I would tend to believe the old adage that the exceptions prove the rule.



Map From Planned Parenthood


The lesson for women and the LGBT communities couldn't be clearer: we are all in this together. The bond between us should be unshakeable because we fight the same bigotry and hatred from the same people. As for me, I will never see this country quite the same again. Though I knew about the pattern of red versus blue states on an intellectual level, these maps bring it home on a visceral level. The regional differences are real and we would ignore it at our peril. 

Women and the LGBT community need to work and organize together to overcome the ignorance and prejudice, especially in these "red" areas (in this case, light pink and caramel). If we stand together we SHALL overcome. And yes, it is a matter of civil rights and the struggle is just as real. Women and abortion doctors have died and so have bi, lesbian, gay and transgender human beings. We cannot afford to stand apart now.  We need to organize, organize organize.






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